Hand Therapy

Hand therapy often is of critical importance to your recovery, and we work very closely with hand therapists. A Certified Hand Therapist (CHT) is a physical therapist (PT) or occupational therapist (OT) who has received extensive additional training in hand therapy. If hand therapy is needed, your surgeon will provide you with details on the purpose of hand therapy for your specific condition and a referral. Once referred, it is important for you to call the hand therapy office as soon as possible to schedule an appointment, as they often need advanced notice for insurance authorization and scheduling.

We work closely with hand therapists located near our office at CPMC Davies and at their satellite office in San Mateo. Below is their contact information:

CPMC Davies Hand Therapy
Castro St & Duboce Ave
San Francisco, CA 94114

CPM San Mateo Satellite Hand Therapy
101 N El Camino Real
San Mateo, CA 94402

If you live outside of San Francisco and would prefer to work with a hand therapist closer to your home, you may locate a certified hand therapist (CHT) using the Hand Therapy Certification Commission’s (HTCC) website linked below. Particularly in more rural areas, we recommend searching by zip code rather than city so that you can locate hand therapists in nearby towns.